SustainabilitySustainability Concept

Sustainability Policy and Promotion Structure

In order to clearly demonstrate to internal and external stakeholders the Group’s stance toward the realization of a sustainable society, we have established a Sustainability Policy and identified five materialities (important management issues) as priority measures to be implemented over the long term under this policy.

Sustainability Policy

In June 2022, the Group established its Sustainability Policy. With the aim of enhancing the sustainability of our group as well as realizing a sustainable society, we will promote management that links our business strategies with ESG initiatives.

Organo Corporation, together with its stakeholders, aims to realize a sustainable society and enhance corporate value for the future.
  • We will provide environmentally friendly products and services that contribute to water environment conservation and global warming prevention through cultivating optimization technologies with water.

  • We will respect human rights, diverse values, and individuality while promoting the creation of a workplace where each and every employee can grow and flourish.

  • We will carry out our corporate activities with integrity and fairness, emphasizing dialogue and cooperation with all stakeholders.

‘Cultivating optimization technologies with water’ means the pursuit of technologies in separation, purification, analysis, and engineering related to water treatment, and the combination of these technologies to provide optimal systems and services that meet the needs of society.

Sustainability Promotion Structure

In December 2021, the Group established the Sustainability Committee as an organization to plan, formulate, and implement measures to promote sustainability management. In addition, we have established the Sustainability Executive Council, which is responsible for the implementation of specific measures. The Sustainability Committee reports and advises the Board of Directors on the progress and achievement of matters discussed and reviewed by the Committee.

Key Issues (materiality)

We evaluated social issues that are closely related to trends in international society and our business from the perspectives of importance to stakeholders and importance to our company, and identified issues of high importance. These issues were discussed at internal meetings, including those of the Board of Directors, and issues of particular importance were identified as materialities.

Materiality Identification Process

Keyword selection
Extract materiality candidates from management philosophy, long-term management vision, ORGANO2030 (long-term management plan), medium-term management plan, business strategy, business environment, ESG evaluation criteria, and GRI guidelines (international guidelines on sustainability).
Evaluation of importance
Materiality candidates extracted are organized according to the ORGANO2030 framework of achieving continuous business growth and building a business foundation, and evaluated from the perspective of their importance to the Company. These include relationships with stakeholders, risks and opportunities, the value of the Company’s products and services, and contribution to social issues. Then material issues (materialities) are preliminarily selected.
Assessment of validity
Evaluate validity through discussions at the Sustainability Executive Council and Sustainability Committee meetings, interviews with external experts, and other means.
Identification of materialities
Materialities are determined by the Board of Directors.s
Management Philosophy
Organo serves as a valuable partner company by leveraging its leading-edge technologies cultivated through long experience with water treatment, by contributing to the industries that create the future, and by playing a key role in the development of societal infrastructure.
Long-term Management Vision

At Organo, we seek to expand our business through high value-added separation and purification as well as analysis and manufacturing technologies, and by providing products and services that promote the creation of value and which resolve the challenges that confront industry and society.

We proactively contribute to a better tomorrow by cultivating people today who will improve upon the way things were done yesterday, as a company where all employees are energetic and passionate about their work.

Concept of Materiality

Our materiality consists of five elements: two related to achieving continuous business growth, and three related to building a business foundation. The former is related to global environmental conservation and value creation through business activities, which are essential for daily life, industry, and business. The latter is the basis for continuous business operations while fulfilling social responsibilities. We believe that comprehensively addressing these issues will lead to the implementation of our long-term management vision.

We will establish quantitative and qualitative key performance indicators for each materiality, and aim to realize a sustainable society and enhance corporate value, which are the goals of our Sustainability Policy, through the resolution of the identified materialities. These materialities will be periodically discussed and reviewed by the Sustainability Committee, which will take the lead in responding to changes in society and requests from stakeholders.